What Don't You Know About Deafblindness?
Hosted by AzABA's DEI Committee

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 | 5:30 - 7:00 pm (Arizona time)
1.5 CEU will be available
Zoom (Login will be emailed prior to the presentation)
Kelly Brittingham
Andrew Cohen
On March 9th @ 5:30PM, Dr. Shana Hornstein will be interviewing Kelly Brittingham, orientation & mobility therapist, & her husband, Andrew Cohen, who is deafblind. The discussion will include dispelling myths, common microagressions, and preferred terminology about deafness, visual impairment, and deafblindness. Register NOW to join this incredible learning opportunity. 1.5 CEUs available!
Meet our Speakers:
Kelly Brittingham's K-12th years of school where on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. In high school, I met one sign language interpreter and one girl who was Deaf. I began to mingle with both the sign language interpreter, the girl who was Deaf, and the small Deaf Community on the Eastern Shore. Later, I moved to the Western Shore of Maryland for both education and career purposes. In the past, I have obtained an Associate's of Applied Science A.A.S. degree in General Education with an Interpreter Training Program (ITP)/Interpreter Preparation Program (IPP) Certificate from the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) - Catonsville, and then obtained a Bachelor's of Science B.Sc. in Deaf Studies degree with a Human Service track from Towson University (TU). As of now, I work both as a freelance Sign Language Interpreter (SLI) and Support Service Provider (SSP). As a freelance SLI, I work with a variety of hard-of-hearing, Deaf, and DeafBlind individuals with different backgrounds, situations, and areas to provide communication access. As a freelance SSP, I work with a variety of DeafBlind individuals to provide an independent atmosphere, without having to depend only on family and friends, by providing transportation, both enjoyment and food shopping, both medical and training appointments, social events, and a variety of other situations. I have a Master's in Special Education with both an Orientation and Mobility (O&M) and Dual Sensory Disability/DeafBlind (DB) Certificates from Texas Technology University (TTU) that relates to my other degrees.
Andrew Cohen is a DeafBlind gentleman who works as a software engineer for the Vanguard Group, an investment company. He is a native Pennsylvanian who grew up in the Hearing world that eventually found his identify as Deaf, and then DeafBlind.
AzABA Member: Free
Non-Member: Free to attend, $10 for CEUs